Friday, March 4, 2011

Letters to the Editor: Cutting Spending Will Cut Jobs -

CHURCH GOING, HELL, DEMOCRATIC POLICIES AND JOBLESSNESS: Letters to the Editor: Cutting Spending Will Cut Jobs -

Lots of questions come to the fore here, amongst which are:

1) Is this spending 'consumption' or 'investment'? (Clearly the society needs to move toward more investment and less consumption by those who aren't producing, etc.)

2) While some believe interest rates can be manipulated to support endless deficits without consequences (i.e. the jobs lost argument above), the Greek situation would seem to argue the opposite - i.e. that there are consequences.

And, since those who run businesses (vs. government) tend to have a greater interest in understanding things like economics and consequences, those with businesses rightly perceive that current spending is unsustainable and is likely, among other things, to lead to substantially higher interest rates and either high inflation or severe austerity.

Thus, the social spending by government crowds out (with a multiple) job creation by business.

3) The government needs to recognize that there are many policies that need to change to make it at least roughly equal for many jobs to be done in the US vs. overseas.

More government, more entitlements, greater borrowings, more regulations, etc. are exactly the wrong way to go.


But, it is like those who believe you'll go to hell if you don't go to church. Democrats believe without more government, taxes, unions and spending, the economy won't recover.

Frankly, the evidence would appear to be in. Democrat policies have failed, are failing and will continue to fail.

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