Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Geithner: Debt-Ceiling Debate Is 'Irresponsible' - WSJ.com

Geithner: Debt-Ceiling Debate Is 'Irresponsible' - WSJ.com

Let's see?

Lots of stimulus and 2% projected 1st quarter GDP growth. It certainly seems as though the 'bread-on-the-table' is showing that Obama (Geitner) economic policies are missing something.

It is scary to see how out-of-touch the White House and its advisors seem to be. When government takes productive resources and gives them to the non-productive, something has to give. The White House and the media seem to be in denial.

Liberals seem to think any generous entitlement or union extortion is justified and that the society will just have to bear-up and all will be well.

The fate of the automakers and state budgets would seem to evidence an opposite conclusion.

For liberals, the private sector doesn't matter and only government knows what is best. Sadly, those who aren't government wonks and might help to grow the economy know better. As for those who feed on government largess, well, they don't want to think they are doing any harm.

While there is some turbulence in the markets, it is clear that huge sums of money are being borrowed and spent to keep a very leaky economy and economic policy 'appearing' to move ahead.

The more the media ignores basic economics, the greater the foreboding. (It seems all too reminiscent of the ignorance of most European Jews to Hitler in the 1930's.)

As for the Republicans, they are hamstrung by being in bed with the Christian mullahs.

If any major part of the above is moderately accurate, the rise in gold prices is a touch of sanity.

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