Monday, July 11, 2011

Obama Benefits by Pursuing Big Deficit Deal -

CAN WE REALLY STILL BE BLAMING BUSH?: Obama Benefits by Pursuing Big Deficit Deal -

Clearly there's a bit of subterfuge or ignorance here.

Let's look back at history and the Laffer Curve and realize that Obamanomics is like trying to run some pumps to bail out a ship still driving itself headfirst into the rocks of an economic reef.

We need to rebuild the economy and invest. If that means some 'entitlements' have to be given up (and Pelosi and Obama spent 2 years expanding them), then maybe a bit of recognition would be called for.

Clearly, the Democrats are still in nirvana land where people invest and work for the sake of others (oh yes, communism and socialism); and, it doesn't seem to be creating jobs.

So, like piling a ship on the rocks - should one change policies, back off the rocks and try to seal the hull; or, keep driving the ship of the economy into greater and greater loss of economic integrity?

Those who blame the rocks on some nefarious factor (e.g. Bush and Republicans) who will somehow save the US from the outcome of Greek-style economic policies - well, those people will be hard to convince that more spending and taxing for entitlements won't somehow bring about prosperity as the last bit of investment blood is drained from investors.

Logic would suggest that while one helps one's brother-in-law (or whoever) when in need, one also likes to buy at a discount and get paid for one's work. When these same liberals look at government, they think entrepreneurs aren't affected by higher prices (read: taxes, regulations, etc.) and that they'll buy and consume and produce in the same way as before.

There is something to the Laffer Curve and the evidence is in country after country, state after state - but heck, maybe you don't like what you see there?

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