Saturday, September 3, 2011

PAYING THE NEIGHBOR KID TO MOW THE LAWN: Perry and Romney's First Face-Off -

Perry and Romney's First Face-Off -

It's hard to conger up a situation in which any type of realistic plan can come from the Obama Administration with respect to job creation and a realistic plan upon which economic growth can take place.

How can this be?

One reason would be that far too many people in this country (die-hard liberals and union types excepted of course) have to question whether the new appointment to the President's Council of Economic Advisers has his head on straight.

What am I talking about? Well, of course, his idea that higher minimum wage rates don't impact job creation.

And, in particular, how many people have either hired the neighbor kid (or been the neighbor kid) who mows a lawn. I'm older, so I recall 25 cents an hour or something like that. But, at some price, the cost of paying someone else to mow the lawn just gets too great. How can one argue it doesn't?

So, we know what Obama's plan it. It's the plan of a social neighborhood or union organizer. A plan where wages don't matter, benefit costs don't matter and it's someone else's job to worry about production costs and business viability.

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