Monday, October 23, 2017

Masayoshi Son and his monster $100 billion Vision Fund.- The Term Sheet | Newsletters

The Term Sheet | Newsletters


"Those who rule chips will rule the entire world. Those who rule data will rule the entire world," Son said. "That's what people of the future will say."

Here's where this gets interesting. Son seems to be industry agnostic, betting on information and data instead. In the deck, there's a slide that outlines the market cap of companies during the Industrial Revolution, including the Pennsylvania Railroad, U.S. Steel, and Standard Oil. The next frontier, he believes, is the data revolution. As people like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller were able to drastically accelerate innovation by having a very large ownership over the inputs of the Industrial Revolution, it looks like Son is trying to do something similar. The difference being he's betting on the notion that data is one of the most valuable digital resources of modern day. As Adam Lashinsky noted in this morning's Data Sheet, a $200 billion bet on a single investment theme around Big Data could be entirely crazy ... or brilliant.

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