Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What Really Hurts Job Creation? Heritage Employment Report: Thanks for the November Jobs Report? -

Heritage Employment Report: Thanks for the November Jobs Report? -

Why do people always look for extraneous excuses.

People are hired, business expands, etc. when business can make a profit, investors can get paid back with interest or capital gains or income, etc.

But, if government comes along and takes too much of what business can pay the worker (the worker is unhappy) and, if the cost gets too high, the worker can't be hired and the business either closes down or moves elsewhere.

Unions and government seem to think they can drive up benefit costs and income transfers with no consequences. Well, there are consequences and we're seeing it in a lack of job creation (and job loss).

Americans should blame their government and unions for distorting the market for labor and reducing the rewards for capital and ideas.

Right now China is working to become the global leader in green energy. It doesn't have a lot of the pluses the US has; but, it has a much cleaner market for labor costs and rewards to capital.

What Americans who would like jobs should be doing is complaining about the distortions to these inputs from government (both State and Federal). But, rather than improve the groundwork for job creation, government is increasing the market distortions.

Don't blame free trade, blame government for denying Americans the chance to compete.

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