Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Michigan Bleeds Jobs Because of High Taxes -

Michigan Bleeds Jobs Because of High Taxes -

"What should be of concern to all Americans is that the Michigan/UAW model is the Administration and Congress' model for the country.

As with the UAW, they like all the benefits while the money and jobs are there, there is just an utter blindness as to what keeps the money and the jobs there; so, witness the record price of gold.

It's a version of the tale of the goose that lays the golden eggs. Rather than outright killing the goose, the unions and administration are taking the golden eggs plus a lot of the goose's feed. They don't understand why there isn't an egg everyday. They don't understand why the unemployment rate is going up, credit isn't flowing (although they make loud lamentations and blame the banks) and venture capital funding is being pulled."

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