Monday, August 1, 2011

Fouad Ajami: Barack Obama the Pessimist -

OBAMA THE ECONOMIC FARMER: Fouad Ajami: Barack Obama the Pessimist -

In some ways, President Obama can be compared to a farmer - and one that doesn't realize he doesn't know how to farm.

The fiscal policies of the country are a disaster because too much is being taken out of the economy and burdens placed on it.

In terms of too much being taken out for redistribution, Obama is like the farmer who ignores what other farmers know that they need to save 10% of their crop as the next year's seed. Instead, he freely gives away his seed and wonders why he can't plant all the land he has the second year.

In terms of farming practices, his regulatory burdens and policies (like ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank, mileage standards, Boeing plant decision, even the UAW decisions with respect to GM and Chrysler, etc.) are like the farmer that doesn't realize he/she needs to use fertilizer and sometime irrigation.

When he uses regulations, it's often the equivalent of draining the well when the water should be saved for when it doesn't rain.

Etc., etc. Sadly, most Democrats aren't very good economic farmers either. They don't grow the food, they just tax away what's produced by others.

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