Monday, August 29, 2011

THE WORLD OF 'NON-FACTS': Consumer Spending Rose in July -

Consumer Spending Rose in July -

As for the math in the latest economic reports - don't you know?

Liberals have their own math.

As the new-to-be-appointed to the Council of Economic Advisors said, it's a lie that when a fast food restaurant owner finds it cheaper to install a machine to automatically dispense sodas instead of hiring an employee, the fact that they bought the machine and fired (or didn't hire) that employee is somehow a 'non-fact'.

We all know how liberals like these 'non-facts'. They fly in the face of liberal dogma. Sort of like what happens to most religious believers.

And, as both the religious right and liberals from Chicago believe, you punish those who raise the issue of 'non-facts'.

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