Tuesday, January 3, 2012

BESOTTEN WITH FALSE BELIEFS: Stephens: 2012—A U.S. Referendum on Europe - WSJ.com

Stephens: 2012—A U.S. Referendum on Europe - WSJ.com

Someone writes:

"....neo crud economics. He blames in part European unions for the mess. Anything to deflect the blame from the 'men' of places like Goldman Sissy..."

In response:

David, you have the ring of someone whose religious beliefs are being questioned - and, rightly so, one might suggest.

You are clearly ignorant of macroeconomics and you want to believe the misdirection coming from the politicians that the banks are to blame for that which government initiated and continues to promulgate and perpetuate.

Obama is following the economic policies that have brought this great hardship on the Greek people; yet, I'm sure you both believe that "this time it will be different".

Again, it's the old bane of religion that always turns back on to the believe the failure of the their religious faith to produce the 'promised' results. The failure of the belief itself and its lack of viable veracity is never to be questioned. The fault always lies elsewhere.

Thus, you too seem besotten with the desire for faith in Obamanomics. Feel free to tithe as much as you want to such faith. Just don't ask or expect anyone else to give to such false beliefs.

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