Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Shale Drillers Are Outspending the World With $84 Billion Spree - Bloomberg

Shale Drillers Are Outspending the World With $84 Billion Spree - Bloomberg

....Much of the increase in spending is flowing into the Permian Basin, a sprawling, mile-thick accumulation of crude beneath Texas and New Mexico, where producers have been reaping double-digit returns even with oil commanding less than half what it did in 2014.

That’s bad news for OPEC and its partners in a global campaign to crimp supplies and elevate prices. Wood Mackenzie Ltd. estimates that new spending will add 800,000 barrels of North American crude this year, equivalent to 44 percent of the reductions announced by the Saudi- and Russia-led group....
...Some recently finished wells in the Permian region yielded 70 percent returns at first-quarter prices, ...
...most of the biggest U.S. and European explorers -- an elite caucus of five companies known as the supermajors -- are pursuing a contrary path and cutting expenditures this year. ...
...Shale drillers can afford to be sanguine despite oil’s recent tumble because they’ve cushioned themselves with hedges,...

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