Saturday, July 15, 2017

Maudlin - Richard Fisher talk "You Look Like I Need a Drink"

...“Economic growth during the (past eight) years averaged an astonishingly low 1.47%, as compared with the 3.4% average throughout all of the post-war booms and busts before 2009.” They pointed out that in the recovery from the recent recession, “real growth in gross domestic product – our nation’s output – averaged 2.1% per year, less than half the 4.5% average during previous recoveries of similar duration.”
Mind you, these anemic growth rates followed a devastating downturn that crippled employment and depleted the savings of the vast majority of Americans. As we approached the election, we were indeed in the throes of what many economists described as “secular stagnation”....
...(Holland preceded England and the U.S. as the globe’s financial epicenter). In the immediate aftermath of Brexit, 10-year Dutch sovereigns reached their lowest yield level in 500 years. ...

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