Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Today: No Repeal, No Replace, No Ownership - - Gmail

Today: No Repeal, No Replace, No Ownership - - Gmail

Today's Headlines

The pressure is growing on Republicans to work with Democrats on healthcare. I’m Davan Maharaj, editor-in-chief of the Los Angeles Times. Here are some story lines I don’t want you to miss today.


No Repeal, No Replace, No Ownership
If at first you don’t succeed, try and then let it fail? That’s more or less President Trump’s latest stance on the Affordable Care Act. “Let Obamacare fail,” he said as it became clear not enough Senate Republicans would support a move to repeal it without a concrete replacement. “I’m not going to own it.” Voters ultimately will decide whether Trump “owns” it, but polls indicate most Americans would support a bipartisan approach. As these numbers show, there’s much room for improvement in U.S. healthcare, especially when compared with other countries.
Per capita healthcare expenditures
A graph of countries with the largest per capita healthcare expenditures in 2015.

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