Tuesday, February 20, 2018

As Some Got Free Health Care, Gwen Got Squeezed: An Obamacare Dilemma - The New York Times

As Some Got Free Health Care, Gwen Got Squeezed: An Obamacare Dilemma - The New York Times

...the law is far more generous to the poor and near poor than the middle class.

...Democrats have begun to recognize the political costs of playing into the narrative that they only care about the poor,” ...

...About 25,000 New Hampshire residents paid full freight for Obamacare plans last year,

...Another 29,000 were getting subsidized coverage through the Affordable Care Act marketplace, and many of them have seen their out-of-pocket costs drop this year. 

... About 53,000 are getting free Medicaid coverage ...

...Medicaid platinum, silver for the rest,” read a recent headline in The Union Leader, New Hampshire’s largest newspaper. The story was about a report that found Medicaid recipients used health care more aggressively than marketplace customers, presumably because their coverage was free.

...Even members of her own family take advantage of a flawed system, in her view, by getting Medicaid. “They don’t work because they don’t want to, and they get free health insurance.”

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