Thursday, March 18, 2021

Who Helps Pay Amazon, Walmart and McDonald's Workers? You Do - Bloomberg

Who Helps Pay Amazon, Walmart and McDonald's Workers? You Do - Bloomberg

It is always fun to see a one-sided article. 

My flip side would be that what is going on now with government support is "just how it should be".

In other words, most of these Amazon jobs could be automated. ((I've already seen pictures of automated warehouses owned by Amazon.)

From a social perspective solely, and no acceptance of blatantly consequential business consequences, you'd be right. Let Amazon pay workers more.

But the flip side is to raise salaries and see many if not most of those jobs be automated. Would that be Amazon's fault? Clearly not as they aren't in the social support business. Would it be a union's fault (should it unionize)? Well, yes, but then again, unions look for one thing only - sustaining the union.

We need to encourage people to learn and have opportunities. Just raising wages to eliminate jobs or have them leave the US isn't the answer.

Well, that at least is the flip side.


Bruce B.

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