Friday, March 9, 2018

DowDuPont Says Trump Steel Tariffs Hurt Case for New U.S. Plants - Bloomberg

DowDuPont Says Trump Steel Tariffs Hurt Case for New U.S. Plants - Bloomberg

...Nearly half of all U.S. manufacturing investment for the past two years has been for chemical plants, largely because shale gas provides a cost advantage over other areas of the world, he said. That’s helped turn a U.S. trade deficit for chemicals into a surplus, ...

...DowDupont last year completed construction of $6 billion in new factories along the Texas Gulf Coast to take advantage of abundant, low-cost natural gas from the shale drilling boom. Those plants contained about $1.2 billion worth of steel, Fitterling said Tuesday in an interview. Trump’s proposed 25 percent duty on steel imports would have added about $300 million in costs to the project.

...Shale gas has spurred $185 billion of completed and proposed investments in chemical and plastics factories, with about half of the spending yet to begin, the American Chemistry Council said on Friday. 

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