Thursday, March 8, 2018

SIC - Intergenerational Risks

Patrick Cox

Cox said he sees a perfect storm brewing. The impact current anti-aging and life-extension research will have on society is almost something out of science fiction—but it’s actually happening. And it’s coming a lot sooner than most people think.
Although Millennials are about to outnumber Baby Boomers, the old-age dependency ratio—the number of retirees being supported by young workers—is rising. The young are paying the bills of the old. Will they rebel against this intergenerational problem?
Healthcare is driving growing budget deficits and medical costs. Regenerative medicine is the only answer, Cox said. He believes that this imperative will drive radical regulatory change and get these drugs and therapies to market far faster.

Biotech Panel

...Michael West, CEO of BioTime, talked about how the lion’s share of healthcare costs is spent fighting chronic diseases. In a lab setting, scientists have been able to reverse the aging process in cells. This cell process, said West, is now firmly under human control.

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