Friday, March 30, 2018

Trouble in candy land: How Peeps, pensions and a lawsuit threaten to upend the American retirement system - The Washington Post

Trouble in candy land: How Peeps, pensions and a lawsuit threaten to upend the American retirement system - The Washington Post

...The Peeps-making company says, without providing hard numbers, that it pays 39 percent more in pension contributions than what it negotiated under its last union contract.....

...Hostess Brands, maker of Twinkies and Ding Dongs, accounted for 24 percent of all those contributions to the multi-employer pension. It stopped making contributions in 2011 and then filed for bankruptcy in 2012, weighed down by weakened demand, rising competition, and large levels of debt. Federal courts allowed it to escape without paying the pension fund $1 billion in obligations.

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