Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Summer Reading List, with Richard Haass, Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Keyu Jin, and more. - - Gmail

Summer Reading List, with Richard Haass, Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Keyu Jin, and more. - - Gmail

The Lost Kingdom:
The Quest for Empire and the Making of the Russian Nation

By Serhii Plokhy

Sergei Guriev says: “Given the events of 2022, I would strongly recommend this 2017 book, which documents – with many interesting and instructive details – how Russia’s imperial myth has been constructed over many centuries, in particular the last 200 years. It highlights, for example, how Russian and Soviet history books taught successive generations to look down on neighbors like Ukraine. For those who are wondering how the invasion of Ukraine became possible, and how to end Russian imperialism, Plokhy’s book offers evidence-based answers.”

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