Monday, October 31, 2016

China as Factory to World Mulls the Unthinkable: Price Hikes - Bloomberg

China as Factory to World Mulls the Unthinkable: Price Hikes - Bloomberg

...That push to recover lost margins -- even as demand remains muted -- was shared by exporters of everything from clocks to jacuzzis interviewed in Guangzhou last week at the Canton Fair, a biannual gathering where 25,000 exhibitors and 180,000 mostly foreign buyers ink export deals in booths spanning exhibition space equivalent to about 3,400 tennis courts....

...To be decided is whether China, the factory to the world, swings from becoming a drag on consumer prices to a source of pressure nudging them higher....

...the country’s top five markets: the U.S., Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Mexico...

China will probably let inflation run to overcome a high debt burden, as it has done in the past, ...
... a depreciating currency is offering a buffer, helping exporters preserve some margin in local currency terms even if they keep prices for their goods unchanged in dollars. That may slow any transmission to export prices

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