Monday, October 24, 2016

Major banks mark first-ever international trade using blockchain tech | Reuters

Major banks mark first-ever international trade using blockchain tech | Reuters

Australian cotton trader Brighann Cotton Marketing bought the shipment bound for the port city Qingdao from U.S. division Brighann Cotton in Texas, the companies and their banks said in a joint statement. The blockchain trade, for 88 bales, totaled $35,000, Commonwealth Bank told Reuters.

Blockchain is a web-based transaction-processing and settlement system whose efficiency banks say could slash costs. It creates a "golden record" of any given set of data that is automatically replicated for all parties in a secure network, eliminating any need for third-party verification....
the traditional banking industry which at first shied away from the technology, partly because it makes money flows harder for law enforcement agencies to track.
Led by a consortium of over 70 of the world's biggest financial institutions - called R3 - the banking industry has been researching ways to harness the speed, accuracy and efficiency afforded by blockchain.
One of its benefits is removing people from transaction processing. That has been seen as especially appealing for cross-border trades, which are typically held up by duplication of payment processing and time zone differences....
...include "smart contracts", or payments triggered when certain conditions are met. The cotton transaction, for instance, involved automatically making payments when the shipment reached certain geographic locations, the statement showed....
...R3 - of which it and Wells Fargo are members - did not play a part in the trade.

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