Wednesday, December 13, 2017

2018: A Year of Tenuous Stability

(intro) The year ahead promises to be a lively one, full of discrete conflicts and
crises. Or so it would seem. Sure, the world is complex, and when we
analyze it we tend to do so by breaking it down into its constituent parts –
North America, South America, Europe, and so on. But studying these
regions in isolation can obscure the bigger picture.

...And so it is that after nine years the EU
still cannot function as it did pre-crisis. It
is unable to make core decisions
collectively, and now its defining features
are regional and social tensions fueled by
economic issues and different cultural

China’s Wary Rise

... The government is
trapped between conflicting economic
and political realities. It cannot sustain
breakneck growth on a foundation of
low-wage exports, but it does not yet
have the middle class needed to boost
domestic consumption to levels that
would insulate it from downturns in
distant consumer markets....

... the reforms themselves,
particularly reducing industry capacity
and introducing measures to cool real
estate markets, will slow China’s growth,
leading to job losses and discontent....

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