Saturday, December 9, 2017

Shenzhen High Tour by Makers – Medium

Shenzhen High Tour by Makers – Medium

Why Shenzhen is Amazing? Talk at HuaQiangBei

One Maker and One Ecomomic researcher, and One Shop owner told at HuaQiangBei.
A quite interesting talk, I recorded 3 of presentation and QA Session.
Maker TAKASU Masakazu (Me!)Who is most experienced person about Maker Faire in Asia, came from Singapore and also a part of a Maker Faire Shenzhen team. I told about Why Shenzhen is amazing in Maker Movement.
Start from an Open source culture in US, Then How democratized ecosystem for innovation in Shenzhen.
Economic researcher Asei Ito,Associate professor of Tokyo Univercity, And he stays Shenzhen Univercity a once a year. He is just connecter between maker sector and economic researchers. Innovation in Shenzhen is popular in Japan, because of him.
He told criteria of Shenzhen and Chinese government policy works in Shenzhen.
MJ is Shop owner in HuaQiangBei. He spends a time about 10 years in Shenhzhen, 7 years of current job. He succeeds his business, with bring and follow ecosystem in Shenzhen. He told a life in Shenzhen, and 26 old young shop owner who how thinking the Shenzhen and how thing for the future.
We really enjoyed talking each other, mostly QA session, We still going on how understand and share about here awesome city Shenzhen!

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