Wednesday, December 13, 2017

What Hedge Funds Will Do After the Hedge Fund Model Dies - Bloomberg

What Hedge Funds Will Do After the Hedge Fund Model Dies - Bloomberg

... the number of publicly traded companies in the U.S. is, at about 3,700, half what it was in 1996.....

...Low rates mean funds earn nothing on the cash produced when they sell a stock short....

...The biggest inflows this year have gone to long-biased or long-only products run by the quantitative funds, which use computers to decide what to buy and charge lower fees than most....

...Longford Capital Management raised $500 million for what’s known as a litigation finance fund: It focuses on financing corporate lawsuits and taking a piece of settlements or judgments....

Alpha Capital Management in Atlanta, helps institutions find investment consultants, and ... "Now they want to double down on private equity and private debt."

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