Tuesday, January 16, 2018

China builds ‘world’s biggest air purifier’ (and it seems to be working)


The system works through greenhouses covering about half the size of a soccer field around the base of the tower.
Polluted air is sucked into the glasshouses and heated up by solar energy. The hot air then rises through the tower and passes through multiple layers of cleaning filters.

A 100-metre high air purification tower in Xian in Shaanxi province has helped reduce smog levels in the city, preliminary results suggest
PUBLISHED : Tuesday, 16 January, 2018, 6:45am
UPDATED : Tuesday, 16 January, 2018, 10:26am
An experimental tower over 100 metres (328 feet) high in northern China – dubbed the world’s biggest air purifier by its operators – has brought a noticeable improvement in air quality, according to the scientist leading the project, as authorities seek ways to tackle the nation’s chronic smog problem.

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