Friday, January 12, 2018

Gilder - Entrepreneurs - The Five People Shaping My Worldview - Mauldin Economics

The Five People Shaping My Worldview - Mauldin Economics

The Man Who Is Laying the Foundations 
for a New Economics
Using models to determine policy has damaged the economy in many ways, including:
  • Dysfunctional and counterproductive tax/regulatory/entitlement/trade policies,
  • Private-sector credit growth encouraged by central bank mismanagement, and
  • A massive expansion of federal government power and spending
Worse still, these models are all backward looking and measure only that which has already happened. But the economy and its millions of economic actors are forward looking—striving to create and do things which have never happened before. Yet another reason why the models we rely on are incompatible with how the economy functions.
This is why I believe it is time for a new economics. An economics that focuses not on mechanistic models, but on the creations and innovations that have driven economic progress since the beginning of time.
The brave man who has taken on the task of crafting a new economics is my good friend George Gilder.

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