Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Patrick Cox's Tech Digest | Mauldin Economics

Patrick Cox's Tech Digest | Mauldin Economics

....In his keynote at last year’s WSCS, West unveiled his research into induced tissue regeneration (iTR) to the scientific community. ITR is the reactivation of embryonic genes that allows cells to restore themselves to perfect health based on their original DNA blueprint.

The ability to activate embryonic gene pathways in adults would make many medical practices obsolete. Damaged and diseased organs, limbs, and tissues could be completely regenerated—including hearts, joints, eyes, skin, and teeth. In short, ITR could extend health and lifespans far beyond current limits.
Essentially, iTR reactivates the embryonic superpowers locked away in our genomes. During the embryonic phase of development, our bodies can repair injuries completely. We can observe this ability in some lower-order animals that maintain embryonic healing capabilities. In these animals, even major injuries to organs and limbs are completely repaired.

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