Saturday, May 25, 2024

Artificially Intelligent - Mauldin Economics

Artificially Intelligent - Mauldin Economics

...These are called large parameter models, or on [just] words they're called large language models, and it's basically like an engine that builds many, many abstract layers to predict the next word, the next token… 

...“And that said, it could also create and should create so much wealth and it should make the living standards go up so much that hopefully the productivity thing offsets these problems, but it doesn't mean it's not going to be in for a volatile time.”

...It's going after the pre-internet stuff that hasn't been upgraded, and I define that as a lot of these service parts of the economy. There is the legal part of the economy. There's a lot of financial services creating estates and trusts and whatever other work people are doing by hand.

“Healthcare billing is a huge area. We just talked about customer support earlier. Healthcare billing,

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