Saturday, May 11, 2024

Stagflation, AI & “Condomageddon”

... [Powell on wrong data] I think it's definitely something that he had planned. You don't effectively dis the powers that be at US statistical agencies without planning. But there he was talking about Indeed and obviously with reference to Indeed's wage tracker and Indeed's job postings data. That was a slight to all those months that he clung tight to the JOLTS data. He spoke to the conference board and jobs hard to get, that metric being at the weakest since 2011, if you feel like you're going to lose these just... excuse me… came out in last week's most recent conference board report. But if somebody loses their job right now, their confidence in getting another one is at the lowest since 2011. But the fact is Powell brought that up, so that's really dissing a lot of all..

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