Saturday, May 4, 2024

On My Radar: A Different Kind of World War - CMG

On My Radar: A Different Kind of World War - CMG

...David Rosenberg, Dr. Lacy Hunt, and Danielle Di Martino Booth are firmly in the recession camp. Jim Bianco, Luis Vincent-Gave, and Felix Zulauf are in the inflation camp. At the start of the year, a loud lone voice, active in the media, called for "no landing." It was Jim Bianco. Not soft, not hard, but no landing, as in no soft or hard recession. The consensus was calling for six rate cuts in 2024. He continues to predict rising inflation and an ok economy. ...

WWIII – Dr. Pippa Malmgren and General H. David Petraeus

... China and Russia know they cannot defeat the US using traditional military means. Their strategy is simple. Force the US to deploy military assets, which will bleed America dry of cash at a time when the US budget deficit is already overwhelmingly too large and perhaps unfixable. Create inflation by any means because the US is very politically sensitive to inflation, especially in the run-up to an important election. Open multiple geopolitical fronts because the US can’t handle a multi-front conflict very well.

  • Innovation vs. Inflation: She proposed that in the context of a peace dividend, innovation would likely outpace inflation, leading to economic growth and new opportunities. This optimism contrasts with the dark tone of the geopolitical realities she discussed earlier.

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